believe in an obscure carpenter from a backwater town in Israel, who
never travelled out of his small country, lived 2000 years ago, and who
proclaimed himself to be the only way to God?
Lets briefly examine the evidence for Jesus’ deity.
Jesus himself – Jesus himself offered proof of his deity in three ways:
a)His miracles – raising of Lazarus, healing the blind man, etc
resurrection – It was predicted in the Old Testament that Jesus would
rise from the dead. There were numerous witnesses after the resurrection
that saw Jesus. The disciples were so convinced that Jesus was alive
they were willing to die for their belief (see below).
fulfillment of prophesy – born of a virgin, born in Bethlehem, would
cleanse the temple, from the line of David, among others.
From:Geisler and Brooks When Skeptics Ask
sources – eyewitnesses to Christ’s life, death, and, resurrection could
have refuted the stories of the miracles, resurrection, or post
resurrection appearances. None did.
sources – Here is a list of non-Biblical sources about Jesus: Cornelius
Tacitus – he mentions that Jesus was crucified by Pontius Pilate;
Lucian of Samosata – states that Christians worship a man who was
crucified; Suetonius – mentions Christ and Christians; Pliny the younger
– talked about killing Christians and that he could not make a true
Christian deny Christ; Thallus (referenced by Julius Africanus) – he was
looking for a natural explanation of the darkness that fell over the
land during Christ’s crucifixion. He did not doubt that Jesus existed or
was crucified; Phlegon (referenced by Julius Africanus) – also mentions
the darkness at the time of Christ’s crucifixion; Mara Bar-Seraplon –
he mentions a wise king of the Jews who was killed. From: McDowell The new evidence that demands a verdict.
– went throughout the world preaching the good news and most died a
horrible death because of their preaching. One does not die for a lie.
How the 12 disciples died:
Peter – crucified upside down
Andrew - crucified
James - beheaded
John - exiled, died of old age
Matthew - speared to death
Bartholomew - beaten then crucified
Philip - crucified
Thomas - speared to death
Simon - crucified
James - stoned to death
Thaddaeus - stoned to death
Judas - suicide by hanging
we have Jesus’ claims, biblical and non-biblical sources confirming
that Jesus existed and performed miracles. None of those present denied
the events that took place. And we also have the disciples lives as
Any Questions?
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